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Ram Charan's new found love - Hit or Futt ?

Ram Charan's new found love for Polo has made him the owner of the prestigious team. Though Charan buying a polo team and promoting it aggresively have garnered the required attention for the royal sport from all over the state, the glamour quotient seems to be missing on the field. Polo has always been associated with fashion and glamour, but the recently held matches in Hyderabad looked pale, when compared to those all over the country. Even, Upasana's first public appearance with Ram Charan at the finals of the Prince of Berar Cup didn't help much to the cause. The Polo matches in Delhi and Rajasthan are sponsored by luxury brands like Cartier. But, the Hyderabad team still has a long way to go.

However, the players and everyone associated with the Hyderabad Polo Team were hopeful that, Ram Charan taking over the team will bring the awareness among the people and fetch the desired results. There's nothing wrong with hoping for the best. Has anyone of us ever thought of Telugu news channels giving Live Telecast for a Polo match. All this happened only because of Ram Charan. Nothing is impossible, Good Luck to Charan
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