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Ram Charan cautious about Upasana's looks!

Ram Charan's lady love Upasana Kamineni made a public appearance along with him for the first time at the recent Polo match. People who had seen her photos from the past agreed that she is looking better now. She has lost many kilos and is looking agile. However, she is still looking older than Charan.

Upasana used to be very bad at fashion and you can see her pictures from the past to believe it. But she looked cool at the Polo match in that bright red costume. Insiders say that Ram Charan himself bought her that dress and other accessories as he wanted her to look as good as she can. Charan is aware of media focusing upon her and took necessary measures to make sure that she looks good. We all know that Charan has a very good fashion sense and it has brought a sea change in Upasana. If you closely observe, Charan and Upasana wore same color tops and footwear to the polo match. That is what we call 'made for each other', right?
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