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Sexy Aunty Attacks Uday Kiran!!

Uday Kiran...the name itself used to ring bells in the hearts of girls and titillate them. He ruled box office for quite some time with his stardom as young lover boy. He was an inspiration for millions of aspiring young heroes with no film back ground. But eventually he lost the golden days of his career. All his films started going flops at BO.

Despite he has been trying hard to find new films and he is strictly maintaining his physique only with the will power to settle back in the career.
After a long time his film Nuvvekkadunte Nenakkudunta was supposed to release yesterday but failed due to problems between producers and distributors. Finally it released one day late. But still curse hasn't stopped showing its sinister power. As the film is not attracting bear minimum crowds, many theatres have removed the film for morning and matnee shows and replaced with Rathinirvedam, the film that's famous with the posters of sexy aunt Shwetha Menon. Although the film has no spicy element the theatre owners are in a notion that Shweta Menon is a better crowd puller than Uday Kiran. Sad but true.
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