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Pawan Kalyan Shuts the Rumors

The last few days have been abuzz with the reports about Pawan Kalyan's luxury Mercedes-Benz G55. There was a lot of speculation on what made Pawan to choose a luxury vehicle who was known for leading a simple life despite the demigod status. Some went on to say, Pawan bought it for his wife Renu Desai and few commented that it might be a gifted to him from some dear ones.

However, the actual facts were revealed now. As per the reliable sources, Pawan purchased it for Ram Charan's engagement. Powerstar will be using his luxury vehicle to drive Ram Charan to the Temple Tree farm house near Himayath Sagar, where the engagement ceremony is being planned. Reportedly, this is the sole reason that prompted Pawan to buy the expensive item.
Lookslike, this might be the plan of Mega family to showcase the sweet bonding they share and also to refute the rumors of split. 'Two Birds in One Shot', Right!!!

More News Abt  RamCharan Engagement

              Pawan Kalyan @ Ratha Sarathi to RamCharan!

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