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Pawan Kalyan Punch to 'Twitter' Babus

Pawan Kalyan is known for calling spade a spade. Diplomacy or faking isn't associated with him at all. When most of the film stars are favoring to join social networking sites to keep in touch with their fans, Pawan says it is waste of time to join Twitter.

"What would anybody have to say daily? I can't post that I'm tired and taking rest. When there is nothing to say, you've to start acting on Twitter. Too much acting is not good for health. Also it has adverse affects as you may not remember everything that you've said because you were acting," he said with a smile on his face.
There are few stars who post such silly things and blab about records on Twitter. Pawan Kalyan didn't target anyone but one could relate with the actual thing that is happening on Twitter.
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