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Nag-Mahesh Hot Discussion on 'F'

It is often said that there tend to be certain discussions that keep happening between heroes and usually it is about other films, cars etc. However, it is heard that a different discussion is happening between two big heroes. They are Nagarjuna and Mahesh Babu.

The subject of their topic is 'Fitness'. Apparently, both Nag and Mahesh are currently filled with choc-o-bloc schedules of films and their diaries are full for the next two years or so. This would mean they require a lot of energy and stamina to be on their toes working back to back on projects.
Friends of both actors reveal that they have been in talks with each other trying to share few tips on how to handle the stress and keep the energy levels up to ensure their projects are done within time and that too with fresh looks. This is an interesting discussion.
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