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Big B to Play Ravindranath Tagore

Argentine film maker Pablo Cesar is planning to make a film on 'Viswa Kavi' Ravindranath Tagore The film maker has already readied the script and is waiting for Big B to don the role of the Noble Laurite. Pablo Cesar said he was asked by Indian Ambassador R.Viswanathan to make a film on Tagore in the sidelines of Indian International film festival. Cesar discloses his plans of making the film and releasing it on 150th birth anniversary this year, which was unfortunately delayed. Tagore spent some time in Argentine where he met Argentine female writer Victoria Ocampo and even composed Ogo Bideshini song keeping her in mind. The film maker says the film will be titled 'Thinking of him' the words from Ocampo's telegram after Tagore passed away
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