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Posani Movie On Nithyananda Sex Scandals

The recent sex scandals and related issues that took place in the state would be pieced up into a story and a popular director, known for his off beat themes, is likely to come out with a film soon.

Grapevine has it that the sex scandals of Swami Nityananda, voluptuous undercurrent that manifested at high places involving politicians and celebrities will be coming up in the form of a film and Posani, who is known for his sting stories is likely to take up this venture as well.Though he did not get rave reviews for his earlier films, he did carve a niche for himself in the three films he directed and is known for his daring display of real life of incidents with a pinch of satire.
People in the know of things keep their fingers crossed and adopt a wait and watch policy as some very big names and influential people are involved in the incidents, Posani plans to build his story line.
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