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Panjaa Posters Doubles Expections

Fans call him Power star and he lives up to the title despite numerous flops and being hitless for many years. Now trade circles have been discussing about his movie posters. But why? It is because of his ability to grab the attention of everybody and raise the expectations over the film with just a poster!

Pawan Kalyan always has this knack of throwing surprises with every film, especially with his look and style. He had brought immense craze to the films with just one poster even if there was no buzz over that film until then. He did the same for Panjaa which has turned red hot among the business circles out of nowhere.
There was no buzz or expectations over Panjaa until the first look posters were released. But now it is getting huge offers from various regions. That shows the power of Pawan Kalyan! Let's hope Panjaa doesn't remain poster hit but turns out to be a super hit. 
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