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Naga Chaitanya Macho Look

Nagarjuna's son Naga Chaitanya has some features of his handsome dad but he totally didn't inherit his charm and good looks. Chaitanya is an average looking hero with an average built. Although he is twenty five years old, he looks much younger. He looks like an intermediate student and therefore action scenes and heavy dialogs don't suit him.

We have seen him turning a laughing stock in Dhada where he did a larger than life role. With all the negative feedback, Naga Chaitanya is now working out vigorously to look macho. There won't be much change in his physique in his immediate release Bejawada but there will be a considerable change in the way he looks in Autonagar Surya.
There is a huge difference in his physique now which shows that all the work outs are paying off. However, the boyish charm in his face is still there which would take some time to vanish. Actor Nitin also faced similar problem when he wanted to shift his image to a mass hero from lover boy. Nitin is still facing the problem and we should wait and see if Naga Chaitanya can shed off those 'pilla' looks in the near future. 
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