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Sunkavalii Vasuki- No Face Value, Only 'Base' Value

Yet another opportunity has come for a Telugu girl to make not only us but the entire nation proud. We are talking about Sunkavalli Vasuki, the Miss India who is currently in Brazil. Well, she is representing the country in the Miss Universe contest so the countdown has begun.

Given the fact that she is a Telugammayi, a lot of discussion is happening on her. The reason why she is being discussed is due to her base which is Andhra Pradesh. As such, those who saw the pictures and stills of Vasuki say she is not great in physical features so expecting her to be a future heroine is ruled out. However, the other side is Miss Universe contest is not about beauty alone but also about brains. Sources say Vasuki has got a fair sense of intellect with sharp memory so she stands a strong chance of winning the crown if she can make it to the finals. Well, let us hope Vasuki indeed goes through and returns as Miss Universe.

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