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Lady Producer craving for Excessive Sex

Bollywood filmmaker Ekta Kapoor is one of the most successful producers in the recent times. She has found a 'successful plot point' and is using for each and every film she makes. Like the Bhatts, Ekta too is banking upon sex and sleaze to earn quick bucks. All of her films which had the central theme as sex clicked at the box office and she has now reached a point where she couldn't help but have sex in almost every film. Earlier she used to be reluctant over crossing the line but the buzz says that she is now pushing her directors over the line as much as she can.

The Dirty Picture, which is made on a shoe string budget was sold for a whopping 20 crore. This is because of the combination of sex and a popular heroine. Hence, Ekta Kapoor is planning to make more and more films with noted heroines to make handsome profits. Needless to say all those films will have sex as the selling point. Only question is who will flaunt their body in such a dirty way like Vidya did!
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