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Chiranjeevi 'Samajika Anyayam'

Megastar Chiranjeevi who forayed into politics with the slogan of 'Samajika Nyayam' (Social justice) always boasts of himself that he had struck to his ideals at the cost of victory. He says that he has given 100 plus tickets to backward castes.

People that are closely watching Chiranjeevi's every move are now pointing out the 'social injustice' (samajika anyayam) done within his family itself. Chiranjeevi blessed his son's love and accepted Upasana into his family even though she is from a different caste. But he couldn't accept Sirish Bharadwaj as his son in law.

Why is this difference? Is it because of the financial status of their respective families? If Chiru blessed Srija's love in the same way and accepted Sirish straight away, may be their love marriage have reached a new high rather ending up in a pathetic manner, right?
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