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Producers prefer Moon-Light Sex

Though this is not discussed openly by any producer, asking sexual favors from heroines is something like a tradition in film circuits. However, the growing digital technology is irking them from doing such acts and here is that story for you folks!

Recently, a popular TV channel guys have blackmailed a producer after recording his between-the-sheet acts through a secret camera. Though the incident is not into the light, this has alerted the 'rasika ratnas' of the tinsel town. A top producer shared with his friends, "These days it is better to have these sexy acts in a lonely beach or amidst a big farm, where the chances of installing Secret Cameras is very low". An analyst stated that the secret cam technology is not upgraded to an infrared level, so the detail they capture in the broad moon-light will be comparatively poor and the persons involving in the video cannot be identified properly'. Making use of this glitch in technology, our producers prefer for moon-light sex to avoid getting caught. A saying goes like this 'Relationship between a pair of thighs goes for thousand years'. Maybe this is the reason! These producers are inventing ways for satisfying their desires rather controlling them.
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