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Nagarjuna doesn’t like to accept the Fact

Nagarjuna might seem a gentleman and a man with no egos on the outlook. But people that watches him closely says that he is one person who always craves to reach the top. There are few things about Nag which media persons know about. One of them is Nag never likes his name to be put next to Venkatesh when writing about the Tollywood stars in order.
        Although Nagarjuna has few iconic hits up his sleeve, his ‘stardom’ is always questionable due to his crowd pulling ability. Nagarjuna fails to draw the attention of audience with flop or average films whereas Venkatesh is a bankable hero than him. Venky’s success percentage is far ahead of Nagarjuna. Even trade pundits agree that Venky is a bigger star at the box office. But Nagarjuna doesn’t like to accept the facts and always insists his name or picture to be ahead of Venkatesh. This self proclaimed King’s egoistic nature is always highlighted in the TV channel in which he owns a lion share. That channel is known for blowing Nagarjuna’s trumpet day and night!

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