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Ileana sexy sister's head weight!

Remember Aasheeka? The sexy girl who played the role of Ileana's little sister in the movie Kick. She managed to make an impression despite the presence of super sexy Ileana. Even after being recognized with Kick, Aasheeka failed to bag offers in Tollywood.

Recently she was signed in as one of the female leads in the movie Salamath starring Tanish. Later she is replaced by Tashu Kaushik in this film. We came to know that Aasheeka's tantrums on the sets are the reason behind it. Aasheeka is from a rich and well settled family and she doesn’t need a career in films to earn money it seems.
She showed her attitude on the sets and didn't bother to respect the producers and director. This head weight nature has finally cost her the place in this film. Aasheeka's loss has turned Tashu's gain.
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