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Homely Actress ready for Hot Skin Show

Homely beauty Bhavana, who was always seen in girl-next-door roles, has gone for a complete image make-over. If the recent photo shoot she did for a calendar is any indication to go by, then Bhavana is sure to give stiff competition for other actresses with her all-new glam avatar. Looklike, the actress has lately realised that she has enough of the girl-next-door roles and skin show is a must to reach to the next level.

"I have decided to go for a sexy and glamourous look now, particularly because I have so far presented only a homely look to the audiences," says Bhavana.

She, however, is aware of the thin line between looking glamourous and getting vulgar. "I'm sure I'd never breach that. I would always go for costumes in which I feel comfortable and which look good on me. I have so far resisted the temptation of putting on revealing costumes and I knew I had to have the 'near perfect' physique to carry off such costumes. I pumped it out in the gym and sweated a lot doing workouts to get my present figure which, I'm sure, would look good on all kinds of costumes. I'm hopeful of making a strong comeback soon," said the actress. Hope Bhavana's wish fulfills with her glam avatar.

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