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Allu Arvind shocked by Chinni Krishna Ad

Recently Telugu cinema ace producer Allu Arvind was shocked by the acts of Telugu movie story writer Chinni Krishna. Allu Arvind held many many press meets so far on success of Telugu movie Badrinath and it's collections. But one can notice that in all the press meets that were held script writer Chinni Krishna didn't appeared any where in the scene. According to sources, Allu Arvind deliberately sidelined Chinni Krishna in all the press meets of Bardinath due to his over disgusting speeches and self image boosting talks.
With this in mind, Allu Arvind wantedly sidelined him and asked all TV channels not to invite Chinni Krishna for any interviews and press meets. However Chinni Krishna got to know Allu Arvind's moves, he gave a great jolt and shock by designing posters in which Allu Arjun saluting him for giving such a fantastic story for his film. Posters of Chinni Krishna were seen all over in film nagar and in some news papers. Allu Arvind suddenly plunged into damage control and thought it will be a darkspot on him if  Chinni Krishna was supressed. Hence Allu Arvind decided to invite Chinni Krishna in next press meet of Badrinath.
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